growing marijuana aeroponics

In growing marijuana, you can definitely choose from different growing systems. You can see hydroponics, while others prefer growing marijuana aeroponics. This is for a good reason. If you are a beginner and have become interested as to what this system has to offer, it is vital to at least understand its history, as well as its future.

Growing Marijuana Aeroponics – The Basics

Aeroponics is considered as a new technology in the cannabis growing industry. In this growing system, the roots of the plants are watered and fed while being suspended in midair. They are generally placed suspended on baskets that have holes. They are often called net cups, and actually resemble the rates where the strawberries come in. These cups typically sit on top of specifically closed cylinders called the trough. With the plants being suspended, all the needed nutrients as well as the nourishment may be supplied directly to the roots my spraying them with a nutrient-filled water solution.

Because the roots are also suspended in midair, the plants are given the opportunity to receive the maximum oxygen amount possible. At the same time, this system is efficient on nutrients because you only need to give your plant what they need, and no more. All the nutrients that are considered extra will just go back to your reservoir. With the enhanced oxygen levels, the roots can receive the advantages at high levels. It has also been proven scientifically to increase the yields of crops in as much as ten times compared to the traditional growing in soil. The only disadvantage is that you need to maintain the plants’ root zone at 100% humidity while making sure that the roots are consistently misted in order to avoid drying out and causing crop failure.

Nutrients in Aeroponics

With the aeroponics system, it is very important to have good nutrients. Make sure to choose the type of nutrients that will not leave behind too many salt residues which may clog the pump or the sprayers, and even worse, might even cause a nutrient lockout. It is recommended to search for a reliable nutrient that allows the grower control over the nutrients that the plants are being fed.

Despite the fact that growing marijuana aeroponics is relatively new, a lot of growers have actually preferred this method over other growing techniques. There are advantages, as well as some disadvantages, but overall, it has worked for the purpose of growing marijuana plants healthily.


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