Buy Cannabis Seeds – UK

Many people believe that the United Kingdom is the place to be if you are looking for an entirely new cannabis experience. This may be true considering that they are the leading producer of legal cannabis in the whole world. But as one would expect, nothing is really that simple when it comes to the cannabis scene. 

Despite the large exportation industry of cannabis in the United Kingdom, it is still widely considered illegal across the country. With no official law stating its legalization or even decriminalization, it could be quite complicated to fully grasp the idea of cannabis in this country. This article will serve as a guide for those who plan on taking a trip to this country for its cannabis scene. 


The history of the cannabis plant in the United Kingdom dates back to 793 AD when the plant was said to have been found growing marijuana seeds naturally along the coast of certain villages. Early civilizations were quick to put the cannabis plant (or hemp) to good use for its healthy nutrients and strong fibers. It was used in order to produce industrial tools such as strong ropes and sturdy fishing nets. 

Throughout the years, the British Empire started using cannabis for its medical purposes as well as induces psychoactive effects. And while the British colony expanded its territories across the world, so too did the fame of cannabis. Places such as Asia and parts of Africa that were subject to the rule of the British Empire also started importing and making use of the cannabis plant. One of the most notable countries which were influenced by the United Kingdom’s cannabis industry was Jamaica. These certain places under the British rule were also starting to embrace the cannabis plant as both an industrial and medical tool.

In the following years, people began to suspect negative side effects when consuming marijuana and this ultimately led to the setting up of the International Opium Convention in 1925. Of course, this program aimed to further strengthen the ban on marijuana consumption and production which was found in the 1920 Dangerous Drugs Act.


Marijuana has undergone a strenuous process of legalization throughout the years. During the year 2016, around 50% of the UK population opted for a measure that would see the potential withdrawal and separation of the UK from the EU. Since this Brexit happened, it has since been unclear as to what extent the nation would “separate” itself from the EU’s entirety. 

As you may know, this would potentially have an exponential effect on the cannabis industry in the United Kingdom. Tragically, there won’t be a reasonable answer until Brexit really happens. But based on what we know in 2020, signs aren’t exactly pointing to good fortunes for the individuals who favor the legalization of marijuana. 

The EU supports a very lax and open-minded methodology with regard to marijuana. The way the EU approaches certain substances had a significant influence in Spain as to how they support and deal with cannabis-related activities such as cannabis clubs to occupants. This also holds true for influencing the Netherlands in passing a law to forbid outsiders from their cannabis-selling cafés.


Citizens who might want to utilize weed or buy cannabis seeds ought to do so secretly since cannabis has technically been an illegal substance since the 1920s. When the Bill of Misuse of Drugs Act was implemented, the consequences for cannabis activities expanded and reformed. This bill also cited two new violations that weren’t a piece of the framework previously: the offense of distributing and possessing cannabis. People who buy marijuana seeds in the UK with the intention of cultivating and selling them for commercial purposes may face 14 years in prison and additionally boundless fines – a truly noteworthy punishment for selling weed. 

The main way an individual can lawfully cultivate their own cannabis seeds in the UK is to acquire a permit from the Home Office. Ever since the early years of cannabis prohibition, arrests for unlicensed development, use, and deals of marijuana have significantly increased since 1945. A person who is of 18 years of age or above that is accused of developing, utilizing, having, or selling cannabis in the UK in 2020 can have their property or cash appropriated according to the Law.

Keep in mind, however, that cannabis seeds are perfectly legal in the UK as long as they are purchased with no intention to cultivate them. This can easily be bypassed as several individuals plant their cannabis seeds in private for personal consumption.