Why Ship and Buy Marijuana Seeds Online

Why Ship and Buy Marijuana Seeds Online
Marijuana aficionados have a lot of ways how to get their marijuana seeds. Some visits a physical store to have a first hand experience of the seeds that they are about to buy together with a man to man type of paying transaction. There are do marijuana buyers who got their seeds from a friend, and there are some...

How To Grow Marijuana Outdoors

How To Grow Marijuana Outdoors
With marijuana being decriminalized and legalized in many different states in the US, as well as other countries all over the world, there are more people who want to grow their own marijuana plants. In an indoor growing environment, hydroponics has turned out to be easier to produce completely satisfying yields. However, this does not eliminate the fact that...

Indoor Growing Of Medical Marijuana

Indoor Growing Of Medical Marijuana
These days, more and more countries have been giving permission to the use, as well as the cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes. As a matter of fact, several medical organizations have shown their support on the use of medical marijuana according to the prescription by doctors, like the doctors at the American College of Indoor Growing Physicians. There are...

Marijuana Growing Guide For Beginners

marijuana growing guide
For many marijuana users, the amount they spend for the plant may eventually become a burden or even worse, become a barrier in between them as well as their medication. The expenses incurred in growing marijuana, however, is very low. As a result, many marijuana users turn to grow the marijuana plants that they need at the privacy of...

Property Investment in Growing Marijuana

property investment in growing marijuana
These days, more and more marijuana growers are deciding to turn cannabis growing into a real business. Because of this, property investment in growing marijuana is one of the many important cannabis growing factors that enter the mind of various growers. These growers work their way into finding a good retail location, a marijuana-friendly warehouse, and even a marijuana...

Searching for Greener Pasture in Growing Marijuana

greener pasture growing marijuana
As the cannabis industry finally goes mainstream, the entire marijuana growing industry has been attracting a lot of people to potentially strike a pot of gold in this industry. There have been several reports on people who worked the best jobs possible, developed extraordinary discoveries, and many more, but they have decided to shift into the growing marijuana industry...

Tips on How to Get Good Yields in your Marijuana Plants

good yields in your marihuana plants
It is a good thing to know that achieving good yields in your marijuana garden is a possible thing to do. Certain methods may focus on the feeding programs, while others on the type of growing system, or the lighting technique that you can use. Still one of the most widely used methods in improving yields is by using...

Veganic Marijuana Growing Guide

veganic marijuana growing
Veganic marijuana growing avoids not just the use of chemicals and toxic sprays, but also animal remains and manures. Vegans, in general, avoid animals, and even animal products for the rest of their lives, but they also want to avoid using animal products in their very own garden, simply because fertilizers such as bone and blood meal, fish emulsion,...

Why Ditch your Dealer and Grow your Own Marijuana

Why Ditch your Dealer and Grow your Own Marijuana
At this point, perhaps you are dying to know how to grow your own marijuana plant so that you can finally ditch your dealer. If you want to grow marijuana for its medicinal value, you may have reached a point where you experienced running out of supply simply because your supplier has also run out of stock to sell...

Why Has Growing Marijuana Indoors Become Popular?

growing marijuana indoors
Marijuana is often considered as the most abused illicit drug in the world. Therefore, it may not come as a surprise when dealers, suppliers, and even users have started growing them indoors where they are assured that all their operations are safe from the eyes of authorities. In most parts of the United States, the police are reporting an...